SEAI Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme
Free Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Do you own a home built before 2006? Are you in receipt of Fuel Allowance, JobseekersAllowance for over six months and with children under 7 years of age, Working FamilyPayment, One-Parent Family Payment, Domiciliary Care Allowance or Carers Allowance(living with the person you’re caring for)? You may be eligible for free energy efficiency upgrades!
How Does the Scheme Work?
The SEAI Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme provides free insulation and energy
efficiency upgrades to homeowners who are in receipt of certain welfare payments. While
the list does change occasionally, currently you must own a home built before 2006 and be
in receipt of Fuel Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance for more than 6 months with a child
under 7 years of age, Working Family Payment, One-Parent Family Payment, Domiciliary
Care Allowance, or Carers Allowance and living with the person being cared for. Rented
homes or those owned by a local authority are not eligible at this time. In addition, Clár
Éifeachtacht Fuinnimh (The Energy Efficiency Programme) no longer accepts applications
directly. You must apply with SEAI.
Measures include
- Insulation
- Ventilation
- Pipe and Tank Insulation
- Draught Proofing
- Heating systems up grades
- Window and doors upgrades
- LED lighting Upgrades
To Apply for the Warmer Homes Scheme.
- Please download and complete the WHS form under documents.
SEAI Better Energy Homes Scheme
Cash Grants for Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Do you own a home built before 2011? Are you considering upgrading energy efficiency
measures in your home? You may be eligible to receive cash grants towards the cost of a
variety of energy saving measures. From insulation to heat pumps - the more you upgrade
the more you save!
How Does the Better Energy Homes Scheme Work?
SEAI’s Better Energy Homes Scheme provides grants to offset the cost of a wide variety of
energy measures when installed in homes built before 2006. These measures include
insulation (attic, cavity wall, external wall insulation, internal wall dry lining), heating
controls, heat pump systems, solar water heating and solar electricity. For insulation and
heating control upgrades the home must have been built before 2006. For heat pumps
systems, solar water heating and solar electricity systems the home must have been built
before 2011. Heat pump system upgrades can only be installed in homes that are certified
heat pump ready.
To Apply for the Better Energy Homes Scheme
-Please contact us at 091 551922 or by email at clarfuinnimh@gmail.com
Types of Homes
Grant name
All Houses
Heat Pump Systems
Homes built and occupied before 2021
All Houses
Heat Pump Air to Air
Homes built and occupied before 2021
All Houses
Heating Controls
All Houses
Solar Hot Water
Homes built and occupied before 2021
Apartment (any)
Semi-detached or end of terrace
Detached house
Attic insulation
Homes built and occupied before 2011
Apartment (any)
Semi-detached or end of terrace
Detached house
Cavity wall insulation
Homes built and occupied before 2011
Apartment (any)
Semi-detached or end of terrace
Detached house
Internal Insulation (Dry Lining)
Homes built and occupied before 2011
Apartment (any)
Semi-detached or end of terrace
Detached house
External Wall Insulation (The Wrap)
Homes built and occupied before 2011
€900 per kWp up to 2kWp
€300 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp
Total Solar PV grant capped at €2400
Solar PV

Better Energy Communities
(Community Not-For-Profit Energy Upgrades)
Save Energy. Reduce Costs. Inspire the Community.
Currently Accepting Applications for 2022 and 2023 projects
Grants of up to 30% available for projects in 2022 & 2023.
As part of the Better Energy Communities Scheme, community and not-for-profit
organisations may be eligible for grant funding of up to 30 percent to help offset the initial
cost of works. Grant funding can be used towards a variety of energy efficiency measures
including but not limited to:
- Building fabric upgrades (insulation)
- Renewable energy technologies including heat pumps
- Electricity upgrades
- Ventilation, pipe and ductwork upgrades
- Cooling & refrigeration upgrades
- Motor & drive upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
-Measures specific to your community or not-for-profit organisation
To Apply for the Better Energy Communities Scheme Please contact us at 091 551922 or by email at clarfuinnimh@gmail.com

Benefits for the Entire Community.
When you upgrade energy efficiency measures in your community or not-for-profit
organisation, the benefits are twofold. Not only are you doing your part to reduce energy
consumption, carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, you’re creating healthier
more comfortable buildings and facilities for your local community to enjoy.
With community grants of up to 30% available, the initial cost can be substantially reduced
and the return on investment can often be very short.
Not only will you enjoy reduced energy spend, you’ll be inspiring the community by
spreading awareness on the benefits of energy retrofitting - creating healthier, more
sustainable lives within your local community.

Everyone’s Included.
If you’re a community organisation or not-for-profit, chances are you can qualify for energy
efficiency grant funding. We’ve completed works on organisations from local GAA clubs to
community-owned apartments, sporting halls, community development organizations. Local
authorities and housing associations can also benefit from grant funding of up to 30% for
residential works.
Our experienced retrofit team will work with you to develop a plan that meets your goals
within your budget. We’ll project manage the entire process from start through to
completion, so all you have to do is enjoy the immediate and longterm benefits.
Remember, every upgrade brings us closer to meeting Ireland’s Climate Action Plan. Speak
with our retrofit team today by requesting more information below.
-Please contact us at 091 551922 or by email at clarfuinnimh@gmail.com
Commercial Energy Upgrades (Better Energy Upgrades)
Save Energy. Reduce Emissions. Fight Climate Change.
Currently Accepting Applications for 2022 and 2023 projects
Grants of up to 30% available for 2022 projects.
As part of the Better Energy Communities Scheme, businesses in both the private and public
sector may be eligible for grant funding of up to 30 percent to help offset the initial cost of
works. Grant funding can be used towards a variety of energy efficiency measures including
but not limited to:
- Building fabric upgrades (insulation)
- Renewable energy technologies including heat pumps
- Electricity upgrades
- Ventilation, pipe and ductwork upgrades
- Cooling & refrigeration upgrades
- Motor & drive upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
- Measures specific to your business or industry
To Apply for the Better Energy Communities SchemePlease contact us at 091 551922 or by email at clarfuinnimh@gmail.com